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martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Idiom of the week: The icing on the cake

Have you ever had two good news in a row? Have you ever experienced delight, and then found that life had an extra bit of happiness in stock for you? Then you know what the icing on the cake is! Congratulations!

'The icing on the cake' is an expression which refers to something good that happens right after another good thing, often in an unexpected way. Both the meaning and the imagery of the idiom are very similar in Spanish -'la guinda del pastel'

Cakes are naturally hard to resist, but don't you feel they're even more delicious if they include a juicy, red cherry or a coat of fluffy cream on top? How about some colorful sprinkles? Or do you prefer melted chocolate? Oh, sinful confectionery... In either language, you're getting a double dose of pleasure.  

Eating cake is good enough, of course. But I do hope you get some icing every now and then in your life.

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