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jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013

Idiom of the week: It's my cup of tea

I learnt my first bunch of idioms when I was in high school. Nothing too fancy, just the classical ones -out of the frying pan and into the fire, and so on. I liked them though, and I've enjoyed learning idioms ever since. The only problem I keep coming up with is a classic as well: they're sooo easy to forget!

Among all these forgettable idioms, there have always been a few which, for this or that reason, have remained alive in my mind. One of my favourites is "it's my cup of tea".

We normally use "it's my cup of tea" to refer to something that we enjoy or like very much. For example, if I say "tennis is my cup of tea", I'm implying I love tennis. 

For me, the charm of this idiom lies in its cultural content. Is there anything more British than a cup of tea? And is there anything more personal for a British than their cup of tea? (Or their mug, for you modern creatures) The connection is just so natural! Imagine yourself nursing a cup (mug) of tea, enjoying it and its content by the fireplace, and then use it as a metaphor for anything else that you like.

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