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lunes, 19 de enero de 2015

Idiom of the week: To ace a test

After this long break, I'm back -and so is life to this blog.

I wanted to re-open this section with a positive idiom, and hence "to ace a test" came to my mind. 

"To ace" means that you can do something very well, that you excel at it. So when you study hard, chances are you will ace a test -and be able to relax and focus on something else, which is always nice.

I found two theories regarding the origin of this idiom. On the one hand, the word "ace" refers to the most valuable cards in poker: the four aces of hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades. On the other hand, some people rely on the phonetic ressemblance between "ace" and "A", which is the highest mark you can get in an exam.

I hope you ace as many tests as possible. You'll be proud of yourself!

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